Monday, June 30, 2008


I know.
There's no point in doing that stuff yall' mentioned bcos I tried it like, several gazillion times and it just doesn't work for me.

I'm a doofus.
Maybe I care too much about my personal image.
I'm always feeling painful inside.
I'm always embarrased at little things which I did wrong.
Then, it's because of this:

"Jean is such a doofus, you know. She can't concentrate on her math at all."

"Jean is a mighty big showoff. She can't keep her proudness under wraps."

" Jean is stupid. I wish she could shut up about this blimey situation."

" Jean needs to GET ON WITH THE PROGRAM!!!"

See what I mean?
The reason why I keep getting myself in this mess is because I want to make a good impression.

But at this rate, I guess I'm a sore loser with no such thing as a 'can-do' attitude.

Hey, Jos, thanks for encouraging me all this while. It took some time for me to realise that you were on my side and with me, I guess.

Life for me is indescribable. I have a great life but I'm always in a mess because of embarrasment.

I feel like kicking myself now.

In school, it's the only getaway for me because both my parents are in Frankfurt and I'm lonely.
I have grandparents who always forget that I'm having mood swings and a brother who is cute but irritating and a little rude to me.

My life is incredible.


My grandparents are scolding me now as they want to know what on earth I'm writing.
They don't understand that this is between me and the class and it's private to me.

Let's just say that the only person at home who understands me fully is my mom.

That's why I'm hurting. According to Joslyn, we're pre-teens and have mood swings.



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Homework and Bloggers

Hey People!

-Synthesis Practice #6

-Nada, except that you should bring your SA1 Maths paper

-Zilch and zip

-Art project!
-Bring S.S journal

I guess that's it. And by the way, what do we have to bringfor the NUS trip on Wed? Notebooks?

Next, bloggers. Here's what I have so far.

  • Kevin
  • Muhammed (or however you spell it)
  • Charlotte
  • Christie
  • Vivian
  • Lu Jian
  • Wei Chong
  • Sean
  • Edwin
  • Faiz (I think)
  • Andrew

I think that's about it. It's kinda a lot to keep up. But for the ones that I have left out (if), you know who you are, do not try and get away with it!!! And for the above mentioned people, you know why you have to blog.




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Blog Admin Sign Up!!!!

To my fellow frenz!!!

For those of you who would like to become a blog admin just tell us(blog admins).Its actually not a lot though.All you have to do is just check the blog,add stuff that you think will help the blog and delete posts.It depends which Blog Admin you are.But wait!One more thing,if you want to become one you need to know one....For example,JEAN!!!!You must learn to get along with Joslyn.

So if you want to become one just find a blog admin and he or she will ask mr wan.Then,you will get the blog admin password.And finally you are a BLOG ADMIN!!!!WAIT....We need to check that you are getting along with the admins.
That is all!!

adriana...OMG!!!!I just used my real name!!!
redcard!!!thats better.byebye


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Saturday, June 28, 2008


I don't know why.
It's just jealousy.
I mean, practically everyone has a job here in the blog except me.
I guess I'm just a nuisance.
Mr Wan, why do you say that I'm a nuisance here in the blog?
I'm just trying to say something.
If I do it in class, do you think people will understand me?
Do you think they will even listen?

I tried, you know.
I tried that day during Health Education to ask people what's wrong with me.
I only had ten minutes and a very soft voice.
Nobody was paying attention.
Everyone was making fun of me, except for a few people.

okay, look.
People don't know and don't care about how hard I try to help myself.
I ended up so hurt that I was bawling away after school. Even the teacher didn't bother to encourage me.
I remembered that I promised myself not to cry.

I mean, I was like, in the middle of what I was trying to say when the bell rung.
And the teacher didn't give me another minute to talk. She just interrupted me and told everyone to pack up and go.

I was standing there alone with tears in my eyes as I watched everyone pack up and leave, turning off the lights, leaving me alone to sob in the dark classroom.

Is that the case?
Is it why you didn't want me as a blog admin?
I've tried to change.
I've tried as hard as I could.
And I bet that nobody will sit with me in the bus to NUS because I am so stupid.
And that nobody will talk to me.
Or walk by me.
Or even care to look at me at all.

Why am I such a dratted person?
I've really tried to be faithful.
All I've ever wanted is a place in this world.
I'm the 39th person in class with no one to talk to.
And everyone knows that 39 is an odd number.

I know. I'm a social outcast.
I'm the biggest freak in school.
And I don't think anyone here knows how hurt I feel.
How sick and tired I am of talking about this blimey stupid situation I am always stuck in.

never mind.
nobody cares anyway.
They'll continue flaming me till they're blue in the face.

the ELR


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Answers for Math Practices on 13 Jun and other issues

Dear pupils,

Answers for the  last maths practice posted on 13 June have been emailed to you. Please check your email account if you're not on my class mailing list. 

To be frank, if you could handle those 6 whole number practices, you can handle prelim and PSLE whole number questions.

I'm still looking for ideas in running our class library. Please provide some suggestions.

I'm also thinking of an exclusive comic library for Judges and Supreme Court Judges that will allow access to comics that cost a bomb in the present day comic market. Titles include Spiderman (Author Todd McFarlane, aka the creator of Spawn), Spawn, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Wars, RoboCop VS Terminator, War of Gods (Superman, Wonder Woman, etc), Death of Robin (Batman's sidekick), Star Wars.

As for Young Scientist, I'll collect again on Mon, no scolding.

For the Wed trip to NUS, you're allowed to bring camera, phone with camera function. I've heard you get to touch stuffed birds (Real birds that have died but stuffed with cotton-like material). It's totally hygienic and a real good experience to find out more about birds. I'm looking forward to that as I've never really run my fingers on a real bird before.

Remedial for maths might be brought forward to Monday as Science paper might be vetted on Tuesday. I'm waiting for further confirmation. Just be mentally prepared for that.

Mr Wan


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Friday, June 27, 2008

The first week of Semester 2!

Hey People!

Isn't it just so great??? We got through the first week of the second semester without freaking out or dying or anything! I mean, Semester 1 wan't so bad, but now it is bad bad! I mean, with PSLEs and stuff. It really sucks. But then, being young and youthful is all about love, hate, friendship and doing something you have never done before, I guess.

-Practice Paper 10, except for Compre OE
-Sign Practice Paper 9
-Conversations 3 and 4 in your English oral book

-Fractions worksheet
-Optional circles worksheet
-Prepare for monday's test


-Art: Poster on "Celebrating the Singapore spirit"
-Apology letter to Mr. K, sw style
-HDF write-up

Sheesh, homework much? But then, as Kat-tun (a Japanese band) sings, Keep the Faith. :)

Ph, and guys, our class newsletter will be slightly delayed for this month, I'm kinda busy and so are the writers. We'll try to finish it up if we can as soon as possible.

And btw, mr. w, you said that you'll be on gate duty at the front gate after school. I went there but you weren't in sight. Can I give you the NUS money on Monday?



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Thursday, June 26, 2008

so angry

i m soo angry about daniel #_#


posted by 6 Honesty at


Hey People!

I know! Talk about torture! It's the first week back and there's like, an accumulating pile of homework at the moment. This totally sucks. In a way. I can't beleive we are taking PSLEs this year. Can't wait to get over and done with it. Don't you think so as well?



-Synthesis Practice 5
-Practice Paper 10
-Oral thingy!!!

-Maths TB pg. 26-31 Q 5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 (do in Maths Weekly)
- Optional Circle exercises

-PSLE book, pg. 71, Q. 34
-Young Scientist cards!!!

-HDF write-up

That's it, I guess. I gotta have to finish combining my Science cards. G2G!



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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Young Scientist Card and other matters

Dear class,

I've placed the Young Scientist Cards in the announcement page of portal.

The class is starting a Chinese comic and English comic library along with some other books. I'd like to hear some suggestions how the library can be run so that everyone can access the books easily and takes responsibility in keeping the books in good conditions.

So far, I've only received one completed Young Scientist card and I shall update it in this post.

Honourable Young Scientist(s)
1) Bryan Hon

Let's see who's next and how many honourable young scientists we can accumulate in this post. Bryan shall be the first one.

Mr Wan


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we are back!!!


i wont be afraid...stand by me so darlin darlin stand by me!!!Guess what i singing??? nvm...Most of you cant imagine me singing ...Yeah me too.hehehe.But i sing with my cuz,sis and aunt.My aunt play the piano..Slow song....duh!!!!forget it..

i am jetskiing!!!i am really driving!!!whoooooo!!!

See some of my pics...

i am being decorated as a mummy...

thats all...bbyebyebye.redcard!!!!


posted by 6 Honesty at | 1 Comments

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hey People!

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday and I blogged so late today. I was kinda busy.

So anyway, although I feel like it's still the holidays and am watching (and crying over) Japanese dramas until late at night, we still have homework. Which, in my opinion, totally sucks. I mean, most of us are still in our holiday mode!!!

*Sigh* But I guess we can't complain or anything. I mean, we can, but we just have to treasure our moments together for now. Very soon, it'll be PSLE oral. And then prelims. And then the final stage. So how are we gonna spend time together at this rate???

Anyway, your homework.

-Synthesis Practice 4

-WB 1.6 and Review 4 (circles)

-Jus bring your Txtbk, WB and Science journal
-Oh, and finish your process skills worksheet, for those who haven't
-And young scientist cards!!!

-HDF write-up (take your time)
-Dedications! (ditto)

That's all, I guess.

And some people like Kevin and Lu Jian still owe us blog entries! I wanna know what they are about! This blog is getting kinda dead! Entries, people, entries!

And everyone, go study now! Can't you just feel the stress in your nerves now? I kinda am. But at least my French is Ok now, so that's fine. But my Maths and Science kinda stinks. And my English, I cannot lose by 1/2 mark again! It is so...nevermind. -.-



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someting new


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Sunday, June 22, 2008

My stubborn bunnies

Tubby Jason Jenny (Jennifer) Junior

Hi everyone!

As you can see, the four rabbits above are my pet rabbits, Jennifer, or Jenny for short, her mate Jason, and their kids Tubby (daughter) and Junior ( son) . Aren't they cute???

Jenny is my first rabiit I got for my 8th birthday.
She is actually the calmest of the lot, with more brains than the others.
Being a mother rabbit, she always makes sure her children do not misbehave and when they do, the next time I feed them she'll keep all the treats to herself and not give any to her kids.
She'll drag them away to somewhere quiet and eat them erself.

Jason was bought from the rabbit farm a day after I bought Jenny, for the shopkeeper said dat Jenny will be very bored if she does not have a playmate. We had initially named Jason 'Jessica'
bcos we thot 'he' was a 'she'. hahaha. I know. Lame Name.
We only found out that he was a male when we found a litter of 6 newborn bunnies in the cage.
Jason is very greedy. He loves to eat and so he is rather horizontally challenged. lolzzz. He's the fattest of the lot and he should set a good example being a father.

Tubby and Junior are twins, as they come from the same batch of bunnies (the rabbits gave birth to a few batches). their birthday is on the 27 of April.
Tubby is very obedient whereas Junior, on the other hand, is extremely stubborn.
Tubby won't eat some things, but Junior will eat everything and anything you offer him.
that's the twist, when it comes to feeding.

Tubby and Junior also gave birth on their own. they had a litter of 6 bunnies and I gave them all away. I was quite unhappy when the little bunnies had to go.

My rabbits will not bite your fingers, or scratch you.
They are pick eaters and everyone is very fat.
I've hand raised Tubby and Junior since when they were born.

One day, tubby ran away. I was so sad and worried for her and I looked everywhere.
She had escaped when I had forgotten to lock up the cage.
The chances of finding her was low but I kept searching.
Then there was this poster saying that someone on the 4th floor had found tubby. I went to take a look and I brought her home. She was so scared. The person who had found her did not know how to take care of rabbits and gave her wet carrrots and locked her up in the bathroom.
Tubby does not eat wet food so when I took her back she was shiverring with hunger and when I was feeding the rabbits she was the first one to rush up to me.

I love all my rabbits and I will take care of them throughout their 10 year lifespan.
When I grow up I wanna dedicate my life to the conservation of endangered species.

We do not have forever to have fun and enjoy ourselves as we do so, but I cherish all the moments that pass when I spend time with my rabbits, because after they're all gone, we will never have the same fun we had when they are here.

Jean. The ELR and her passion for animals.
p.s: the brown rabbit is Jenny, the black one is Junior, the grey one with the black ears and nose is Jason, and the completerly grey one is Tubby. Just in case you're confused. :)


posted by 6 Honesty at | 3 Comments

Saturday, June 21, 2008



I am extrememly bored.Let me do something to entertain myself...Mr wan pls dont get the blog admin to erase this post.Wait...I am the blog admin who is supposed to erase posts.NVM...Let me juz continue...

adriana:Hi redcard.
redcard:Hi adriana.
adriana:What are you doing now?
redcard:I dont know.I am talking to myself i guess.
adriana:Oh.......Now what?
redcard:I dont know.Oh well,byebye.

REDCARD and ADRIANA!!!!bye!!!!
see that is what boredom can do to you.


posted by 6 Honesty at | 1 Comments

Thursday, June 19, 2008

oh yeah

mr wan, how do I post my rabbit pics on the blog?
pls reply in the comments. thx

Jean. The ELR .


posted by 6 Honesty at | 5 Comments

Monday, June 16, 2008

hi everyone! (part 2 )

hi guys!

I've got news.
Okay, sum ppl have heard (I think, I'm not too sure if I've told anyone bout it yet,)
that I've got 4 (and I do mean 4) extremely cute, furry, adorable, naughty, fat and picky eating Netherland Dwarf Rabbits at home. thats right. Whoa.

I would like to upload the bunnies' pics on the blog if I have permission to.
( btw, mr Wan do I have permission to?pretty pleeeeese???? And pls tell me how do I do it???)
I'll provide a story of how my rabbits came into my life too. That'll be my thumbprint on this blog, even if anyone thinks it's too early to be doing this.
I really adore animals, probably like anyone else here. :)

so, um, am I allowed to??? Again, I really apologise for the past nuisances that i've been here.

Jean. The evergreen lone ranger.


posted by 6 Honesty at | 2 Comments

Friday, June 13, 2008

hi everyone!

yup. It's me again.

Lately I've been thinking of a whole new game to refresh you.
So, I'll be asking you a question, and you guys can just put your opinions and answers in the comments. okay?

This week's question:
Your house is on fire. If you could only bring one item out of your house,
what would it be?



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Math Practices on 13 Jun

Dear pupils,

This is the last math practice I'll email over the holiday. The answers will be emailed next Tue.

Some of you ask for extra practices. I'm afraid that you'll have to source for your own for the time being. I'm quite tied up at the moment.

As for what to bring on Mon and Tue, just bring your maths weekly (for doing work), pencil case and perhaps foolscap papers for Math and Science.

Don't forget about the Young Scientist Card due in the first week after the holidays.

Mr Wan


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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

April Class Gazette

Dear pupils,

I apologise for the delay of this posting as Joslyn had earlier emailed to me in late May. The reasons for the late posting are the humongous size of the file that disallows it to be converted to other file format and that I do not have MS Publisher, hence I can't edit the size of the file.

Meanwhile, enjoy your read for April.

Happy Holidays!
Mr Wan


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New Maths Practices and Answers to Maths Practice 10 June

Dear pupils,

I've emailed new maths practices as well as answers for the previous practices.

And yes, your emails have been flooded again.

I'm training a few P6 Robotics pupils this coming Wed and Fri in the Robotics Room from 1pm to 4.30pm. If you need help, you can look for me there.

Hasta la vista,
Mr Wan


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Friday, June 6, 2008

New Maths Practices and Answers to Maths Practice 3 Jun

Dear pupils,

I've emailed the answers to the practices on 3 Jun and new practices for today. It's in your emails as well.

Take note that the level of difficulty has increased. Hiak hiak hiak

If you experience any difficulty in downloading or solving or understanding the solutions, do email me or drop a note in the comment page.

Au revoir,
Mr Wan


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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Can Rings

Hey People!

Me again.

OK, so you know those can rings you pull to open up your soft-drinks or whatever? Yeh, please, this holidays, can you please collect as many of them as you can? All you have to do is fiddle with them and pull them out and wash them and put them in a plastic bag. Thank you! Because it's for my aunt who works with this charity thingy and now they want to exchange about 60,000 can rings with another organisation so that they can get wheelchairs and handicap equipment for poor people.

After the month of June, please pass all the collected can rings to me.




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Hey people!

OK, I'm really, um....what do u call it? Nvm.

All you need to know is that I only have about less than 10 write-ups and dedications for the last issue of the newsletter. What is wrong with you guys?!

Where are all the rest of them?! They are not in my inbox either!!! Where? Where are all of them???

If you really didnt want this thing from the start, you should have said so!!!!!!!

Ok, so these are the people I got the write-ups from so far:

And that's IT. What in the world happened????

I know you guys have loads of revision and stuff to do, but all this typing and all only takes less than 1/2 hr. N dun say you haven't checked your inbox on lead for more details either. We all went to the cop lab remember??? So you should have remembered to check it at home because we werent allowed to then. And have I received anymore since April? NADA!!!!!!


Where are all of them, people?!



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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Maths Practices and Answers to Maths Practice 30 May

Dear pupils,

New Maths practices for Tue and answers for last Friday's practices have been emailed.

Go check your email.

I've flooded your emails as well :P

You know you hate me,
Mr Wan


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Monday, June 2, 2008

Game Time!

Would you rather:
1)Be a pop star
2)Be Prime Minister?



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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mtahs Question & A* Maths Problem Assessment Books by Learning Interactive Pte Ltd

Someone from 6R has posted this question for me and I thought some of you might enjoy a little challenge.

Some of you are interested in getting A* Math Problems by Learning Interactive. From what I've gathered, the books cost around $22 and they're actually 7 thin booklets on 7 different topics in Maths. You can get from Bras Basah on the 4th floor, #04-39. The picture below has been posted by Joslyn way back in April.


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spammers are not entertained here





♥to be together forever :D
good results for PSLE
(you guys can write your wishes here, you know)



6 Courage
6 Diligence
6 Kindness
6 Loyalty


Cheryl and Jean




Joslyn's Class 1-1
Nigel's Class 1-5
Jean's Class 1.4
Pohyi's Class 1.8
Alicia/Christie's Class 1/6
Adriana/Dennis's Class 1/7


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