This Person's Back :P
Hey guys!
Ok, I know a lot of you are probably slogging away like crazy for your EOYs, so chiong~! Yeh, just finished (MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA)! It was... terrible. LOL. Anyway, since there's been a lot of requests going round since Teachers' Day about having another Honesty 07/08 outing...well, surprise surprise! We'll be having another one!
Well? Aren't you jumping for joy??????
Show some enthusiasm around here! LOL
Anyway, this year, I was thinking about doing something different. Except I have no idea what.. Hehe. So... give your suggestions by putting 'em in the comments and tell me when you guys are free! For one, I won't be able to make it since I'll be doing a bunch of stuff at the end of Oct. and the first week of Nov. Dec. will be kinda a packed month too. So... what about you guys? Give you ideas, people! Yes, even if they are mad, like crashing in at someone's house (unexpectedly :D) or booking a whole cinema theatre (ok, that's fun) or... or... um....*tries to think* going in as a mob into my school (bad idea) or... I don't know. OK, so yeh. Two things to put in the comments: dates you're free, times you're free and what we're gonna do (ok, that's three things)! :)
Lovin' ya all! And jia you for exams! :D
posted by 6 Honesty at
11:35 PM
It's Joslyn's last year in Singapore. Let's have a nice outing to leave her some nice memories.
We don't have to invite everybody, just those who came earlier and those who are enthusiastic like maybe even Jean.
We're not going to beg those who gave empty promises to go.
Sure why not? Let's make this extra special. I'm all for it.
Haha.. i'm not even sure if I wanna go :(
Well then, I'll just try and get everyone in my phone contacts since most of them were the ones who went last year and reply to my messages :)
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