A Gesture that Made My Day
To everybody's surprise perhaps, this webpage is one of my default pages. It means I'll come to this website every time I open my browser.
I might be busy but I've been reading the post. It's just that I don't really know if it's appropriate for me to post here or does anyone actually want to read a post by me.
Here's something I came across a few weeks ago before I fell sick.
Tuesday was as usual a tiring day that drained the last joule of energy of every living creature taking charge of CCA during curriculum time.
The group that I was menacing, I meant, handling was a mix of P4 pupils from all over the P4 level. It was their second lesson and I taught them about Robotics Programming. It was fun and time was aplenty such that every group actually got to make an attempt on Mission 1, which was to program their robot to crawl up the daunting slope.
That was a mission meant for the third lesson after learning how to build tank tyres which would enable a smooth transition up the cursed slope. Nevertheless, the pupils had a tremendous session applying their knowledge in accomplishing the task. Without doubt, no attempt came to fruition.
As Mr Thomas Goh and I orchestrated their exit from the Robotics Room, a little girl galloped forward to offer the deflated and exhausted me some words. The action seemed like a probable cry out for help due to typical disharmony among the simple action of lining up. But to the surprise of what it seemed to be my last operational brain cell, that was not to be.
"Thank you for teaching me Robotics," a sweet message streamed out of the little girl's mouth.
For the rest of the day, the heartstrings of mine were struck ferociously. For years in teaching Robotics modular CCA, never had I once received such warm gesture. It was sincere, short and simply sweet.
It dawned upon me that I had received such feelings before, something even stronger, something that I've kept preciously in my Study Room.
It was the scrap book that I had received from 6H upon their graduation. The feelings were similar. They provided a much needed boost otherwise amiss after years of slogging.
Thank you, Honesty T_T
Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
12:21 AM
I check back often as well.
omigosh! that must taken a lot of courage to do that!! the little girl, i mean.
today i met edry and faiz a white sands and said hi to them!!! missed them- and all of you guys SO MUCH!!!!
I think she had more sincerity than courage. A little action means so much for some others some time.
Anyway, do help me give them a hug when you see them again next time. Yeah, on my behalf :P
oh gosh, EW. NO WAY!! :)
Yeh, met megan and clarice and chin teng (u remember him, dun you?) today too. seem to be meeting lots of old eliasians these days. well, i guess thats good :D
yep me too! i still look out for updates although not very often due to piles of homework all over my desk...
I think it'd be great if any of you leave a story or two behind in this blog.
You'll never know how much you've helped in boosting the class spirit of honesty.
joslyn! everyone you saw is in my skool except clarice
mr wan...that girl did something really sicere.its a good thing there is a student like her.
yep i agree with redcard. its really nice for a student to thank the teacher for teaching them something new.
whoa I wish I culd have said the same thing like the little girl :)
just was too stupid to do so. -.-"
It's never too late, Jean. You still got plenty of teachers now.
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