Hey everyone!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!Yes, I am back again. Just don't tell anyone, k? Coz I'm supposed to be studying for my upcoming exams nxt week! Yeh, I KNOW! Secondary school sucks. Actually, none of my classmates have started studying yet.
Wait, OK, I KNOW what you're probably thinking-I skipped classes today. NO!!!! I have this mammoth sized sty or swollen eye so I can't exactly go to school. It totally stinks. When I told my english teacher that I needed to go home, she was like "Darling, what happened to your eye??? Who punched you????" And yesterday there was no ELDDS training because of House Practice (which I was supposed to take part in the 100m dash for Sports Day...but no way am I gonna train...too lazy :P). It's so sad! I'm so gonna take part in next year's (or issit the year after next?) SYF so that I can get out of this.
Anyhow, ELDDS is being luuvvvved. My seniors are hilarious and totally fun. But the drama section (which I am in) only 9 secondary 1s! Thank gosh I was the first few to get in! YAY, and the first day (last week) was like..I dunno. Super fun. We had to do this impromptu play and it was really fun!!
Gosh, anyway...so I'm like totally bored, eating Wonka Nerds and listening to the best song ever, Forever by NEWS (well, I like Cherish too, but Forever at the moment).
Well, the good thing is that I have finished nearly all my projects (1 more to go) and we have created a class blog for 1-1A and B. Yipee. So now I'm the 5 admins and so am managing this blog, my own, 1-1's and my fanfic site (which is at the moment sleeping, since I'm spending most of my time doing the SEVEN prose/poems for next year's Creative Arts Program thingy at NUS-why can't they open the drama sessions of secondary school kids too???). So yup, 4 blogs-
-ARGHHH!!! stupid eye.
Sorry about that.
Anyway, I got into the Englsih Special Program thingy at school, which you hardly do anything. Sigh. Aiming to get into the Science or Maths one at the end of the year.
Yes, in case you haven't realized, I kinda like maths now. OK, the champagnes ready :).
Anyway, english classes at PLMGSS is super crazy- I can hear the teacher shouting over the ppl from 2 floors down. And we had a serious of tests this week for englsih and literature, which i nearly had to amputate my arm after that because it hurt so much. I am SO gonna be an ambixterous dude. We had this descriptive writing essay assignment which I killed my best friend in. As always. :D But the lit test was like...madness. 3 essays in 30 minutes. They expect us to die. Seriously. But I think I did pretty well. :/
BTW, has anyone finished reading Princess Diaries 10? Spoiler: Mia got back with Michael!!! :) I'm EVIL.
But sheesh! I miss attending a co-ed school! *Cries* No guys to bully. Still, I'm the baby sitter of i-1, lol. Missing you guys LOADS!!
Making lots of random and crazy friends here though. I adore my seniors-they are super nice. They got me a locker (it's like war to get lockers in PL)!!! Arigatou.
Still trying to get used to the 9 subjects thing. Sigh. I HATE D AND T!!! And Malay too. But that's maybe because the teacher talks to himself and stuff. Yes, Malay is compulsory. And we have Japanese lessons at school, too. Thank goodness, I'm not intending to take music for O levels (which i was offered to) or I will die. I'm getting to do drama elective program for sec 2! YAY. And Media Studies for sec 3 and onwards. Yeh, the principal expects us to score all As for Os or something....our top scorer managed with like...3 points for raw score for Os 2008. I will die.
But okay, Media Studies sounds fun. :D LOL.
Will write later,
loving you all,
P.S: did you know that Mr. Wan's new class, 5 Diligence 2009 has a blog????
http://www.fivediligence.blogspot.com/P.P.S: Just if you are interested, go check out my current lcass blog:
http://www.1-1willwinthewar.blogspot.com/. It's still new...and I dun think anyone has posted on it yet tho. Busy