Me and 5H.... My Take
It's almost 4am and I'm still awake. I think by now most of you have noticed I'm like a flower withering away.
It's been a meaningful year in Elias Park. Teaching 5H is one of the most meaningful classes I've ever taught. All along I've told you guys about values and it's still the same old quote, "You can always catch up with a genius if you're hardworking". Well, Andrew almost did with Sean Tan and Dennis.
I was never a genius. I'd done badly for Math in P3, hated fractions then. But I worked real hard, REAL hard. Eventually, I was always the best 3 in Math. Love Math till today, perhaps till the day I die. It's about your mentality at times. If you got great character, you mould yourself to be a great person. 5H got plenty of these children.
I think there's always been a HUGE misunderstanding about Mr Wan. I seem to strike fear in almost any pupil I'd seen. But the funny thing is, there's always a group of pupils who don't fear Mr Wan and it's always the class Mr Wan teaches. Most of you fear me, my scolding, my loud voice, or maybe even my shadow. If you think deeply about it, you'll realise there's more than half the class of whom I've never scolded right in front of them. Have you ever wondered why?
I know some of you may not enjoy my teaching. All teachers experience that and I'm used to that. I believe in what a senior teacher once told me when I was a beginning teacher. "Whether you've done a good job, your students will know. Trust me, they know."
She's right. They know. My ex-P6 pupils still email me. I'm touched. It's like a long-lost pen pal who just returned a mail. It didn't just tell me that they appreciated my teaching, it told me that I've done the right thing for them.
I've always scolded you for not remembering what I've said and then repeating the mistakes in the exam. I think it pains me more than it pains you. Just imagine a baker who baked a cake meant for 40. Only 5 out of 40 ate the cake. The rest did not bother to taste it. They just missed the cake. How did the baker feel?
It has almost come to the end of the year. I may not be your teacher next year but I just want you to know that you're great students. Don't let your talents go to a waste. Don't lose that spirit you've developed in 5H.
The last thing I want you to do is: If you've promoted or remained in 6H, please consider the feelings of those around you who have not. It's not a nice feeling at all. Don't feel too proud of yourself having promoted or retained in 6H.
Don't forget you're once friends in the same class and will always be friends.
Don't forget the wonderful times you've had in 5H, except my scoldings, of course.
Don't forget that it's this strength that got all of you the Model Class Award.
Don't ever you were once the students of Mr Allan Wan (without ahem) and they never give up without a fight.
All the best for your PSLE next year.
Best Wishes,
Mr Wan
(who's finally not scolding)
posted by 5 Honesty's Blog at
3:33 AM
u had better teach us next yr!!!! or, but really, pls consider teachin us next yr!!!
thanks mr wan....i really hope u can teach us next year!!!
yup i agree with that anonymous !!Can u plz consider on teaching us back in primary 6 plz!!if not we maybe will fail PSLE one lo!!plz Plz plz say that u will !!Plz say YES!!We will be in school and hear your good news!K
LOLS.. It's Mr Wan's decision you can't possibly FORCE him tuhh teach us (-.='') or mayb my friends.. It's his choice.. We can't make that choice ferr him. Whether to stay or leave, you would find out on tHURDAY as Mr Wan said we would be seEing our P6 teachers on de guaduation day which is on thrusdaY.
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